Friday, September 19, 2008

Three test runs and counting.

I did another run this morning (finished at some time after 3 A.M., at least), and improved my time to 23.58. I won't be recording the results video for it this time, but I did log the times and turn counts:

I cut out a lot of excessive inventory and unit management, and cut back on the shopping. I still ended up with some more gear than I needed though, so I think it is best to do absolutely no shopping at all. The gold bag from the chest in Chapter 6 never served a purpose this time around, so drop that too. Also, I need to keep a better eye on Marth's stats next time (if there is a next time), because he suffered from stupidly low skill all game long.

Marth lacked the strength to one shot Medeus by having only 22 strength when you need 23 (at least), and also lacked the speed to double. Therefore, my only choice was to have Marth take care of the Mamkute guard and let Nagi handle Medeus. The things is, Marth also lacked the speed to double that guard, and so he required a critical to drop him. Combine this with Nagi's need of a critical (for that same reason) on Medeus at 9%, and you have a recipe for pain.

To somewhat fix this, I forged a higher critical rate on Marth's Silver Sword (using all the on-hand money I could), giving it +17%. This brought his total to 24%, which is somewhat acceptable. I got both the necessary criticals after a fairly short round of attempts, so all is well.

By the way, for those who care, I let quite a few people die (on purpose).

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